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2363 views04/17/12 at 23:43LOL Man 6: That blue on her is dope! LOL!

2473 views04/02/12 at 00:10Guest_luis: wou much very pretty girl I admire very pretty eye...

1746 views11/29/11 at 12:23Guest_AMR: Jodelle are just a human. Like You and Me. She has...

1746 views11/28/11 at 20:42Guest_blackreaper: does not look happy at all

Jodelle and Gena3294 views09/03/11 at 19:50Guest_Welington W.R.S: Awesome Actress

2706 views08/01/11 at 19:40Guest_daniela: Jodelle eres una persona genial y me encantaron to...

Jodelle Ferland 15th Birthday3768 views07/27/11 at 11:47Guest_marie: i love you u r so pretty and i love your movies

Jodelle in Downtown Vancouver 22107 views07/17/11 at 23:14Guest_Name: What contrast !!! LOL

Jodelle Ferland 15th Birthday3768 views04/12/11 at 19:04Chocolate.latte.93!: Beautiful guitar! I play too. Jodelle is so talend...

Jodelle Ferland photo1758 views03/30/11 at 21:25Guest_william: add on msn: [email protected]...